The 9th prediction science seminar was held on July 12nd, 2022 (Thu.) 16:00-17:00 (JST)
In this talk, Prof. Beta first introduced Amoeboid motility and actin waves. Waves can drive different functions. For example, they can trigger transitions to fan-shaped motility. Besides, they drive cell cycle-independent cytofission events. In the giant cell, they also displayed an intrinsic length-scale that sets the size of daughter cells.
Then he focused on actin waves. Actin waves are closely related to macropinocytic cups, fan-shaped motility, and cytofissions. After that, he introduced the activator-inhibitor model, which can simulate this process. To estimate the parameters of this model, he developed a theory using maximum likelihood Ansatz. He also demonstrated the effectiveness of this method through some numerical simulations and fluorescence microscopy recordings.
To learn the details of this model and parameter estimation tricks, please check the following paper: Diffusivity Estimation for Activator–Inhibitor Models: Theory and Application to Intracellular Dynamics of the Actin Cytoskeleton (
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